Wednesday, December 1, 2010

17 days left... I think I need to get dual citizenship.

Well, the title sums up my feelings on my departure in almost 2 weeks. Ugh, the thought kills me.

Anyway, since Thanksgiving, some wonderful events.

*H&M on the Champs, naturally.
*Went to the apartment of Irene Nemirovsky.
*Paris is decorated for Christmas!!
*Went on a wonderful tour of the Memorial de la Shoah.
*Went to a Bach concert at Notre-Dame!!!!
*I've seen Harry Potter... TWICE!

So things in Paris are wonderful. I've realized that my time here has become like the purchase of my chocolate chocolate chip brioche. Here's why:

Paris, like the brioche, is wonderful and when you take a bite out of it, you instantly feel wonderful. You then want more, and take more, until before you know it, it's all gone. This is a real story, as I bought said brioche on Monday. It's now Wednesday, and it's all gone.

Luckily, I still have many more chances of buying said brioche in the 17 days I have left. My last weeks here are going to be full of food shopping, shopping, and site seeing... plus shopping.

Oh, and a Salve friend is coming this weekend. YAY!!

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