Tuesday, December 21, 2010

La fin- really


I'm currently in Newburyport, watching the snow lightly fall. It's quite a beautiful scene; I'm now back in my little colonial city by the sea, all decorated for Christmas.

Getting through the airport was much more smooth, though my flight kept getting delayed. But we took off!

Now, it's time to readjust to American life. I'm worried it will be harder. Readjusting from college life to home life isn't so hard; adjusting from living in Paris, France to Newburyport is well, a whole different story.

I just wish I could have a week to settle back, as in a week before Christmas. The fact that the holiday is fast approaching has caught me completely off guard. I had so much Christmas spirit back in Paris; here it may need a reboot.

Reverse cultural shock? Not exactly a present I was wanting for Christmas.

Miss you already Paris!

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