The week before the final stretch, oh my. How am I supposed to leave a city where in some parts, I'm a local? Just today I gave a wave to the man who runs my favorite bakery. He waved back with a wink and a smile. How can I leave that? But I digress.
So this weekend Sarah and her friend came to visit! We were able to do a few things, but I'm disappointed in that we didn't see as much as we wanted. From trying to find each other to missing certain Metro stops, it was adventurous none the less.
Sunday after they left I ventured to Napoleon's tomb, which was quite a site! Even in death his ego reigns with high relief carvings of himself doing wonderful things for France. After a successful find at the gift shop, I went home to do some hw and some chats with the parents.
Today, for some reason, has been great. After class I went back to this church we visited in architecture, L'eglise de Saint-Germain 'Auxerrois. It was once the parish of the French kings, since it's right next to the Louvre which for centuries was the official royal residence. I loved it, a mix of different styles, a bit dark. Some parts looked unfinished or partly deconsecrated because of the Revolution. Basically, it had character. I have found this church and others to have character, unlike Notre-Dame.
Yes, Notre-Dame is greatly tied with the history of Paris, but I find now that sometimes, the holiness of the place is lessened by the insane amounts of tourists taking photos. I realize I have mentioned that in my opinion, churches are fine to take photos of. But when it's hundred of loud talking tourists interrupting people at prayer or during Mass, it's a different story. No photos should be allowed. And, so much of Notre-Dame is restored. It's an unauthentic authentic church. I also find that Notre-Dame tries to pry as much money out of tourists and the faithful as possible. I understand churches need money, no shit sherlock. But there are more respectable and honorable ways of getting that money.
Have a gift shop, but perhaps put it downstairs or something, because it really disrupts the doings of a church. A church or any place of worship, needs to have a level of sanctity and solitude. I think Notre-Dame has frankly lost it. It only happens during Mass or Veneration of the Relics of the Passion. Once that is over, Notre-Dame is just a noisy loud building with the sounds of camera's clicking away.
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