Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ma famille francaise

Tonight, Monsieur and Madame hosted myself and my roommate for dinner tonight.

Needless to say, tonight was one of my favorite nights I've had in Paris.

Madame cooked a wonderful dinner, and this time around, I spoke more French and asked more questions. It was fascinating to hear stories about both their families, their brothers and sisters, other relatives, their children, etc. They also got us a little Christmas gift, a little calendar of Paris photographs. So sweet!

They insisted on me playing some piano, so I played a little. Had a few mistakes, but oh well. It went well.

But I didn't realize how much I'm going to miss them until I started going upstairs to my room. I got this giant lump in my throat and could feel my post-meal smile turning into a frown. They are the sweetest people in the world who have been so hospitable and wonderful.

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