Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Before Firenze

So, later tonight, I leave for Florence, Italy!! I'll be there until Sunday; can you believe it? It's like Thanksgiving break just two weeks early!

I can't wait to explore this city of the Renaissance. David, the de Medici family, and Lord knows who else! I can't wait.

But, yesterday some of us went to the Cluny Museum, which is dedicated to Medieval life. Needless to say, I LOVED it.

But I really loved it because they have these six tapestries (I love tapestries) called La Dame à la licorne, in English The Lady & The Unicorn. Not only was it interesting to see that they represent the 5 senses, the 6th one remains a mystery. And they are BEAUTIFULLY done, just stunning.

Another reason why they're awesome: These are the tapestries that hang in the Gryffindor Common Room in the Harry Potter films!!

GAH! I was so thrilled. And part I of HP comes out in a few weeks. Again, THRILLED!

Arrivederci everyone! Until Sunday!

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