Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Notre-Dame, Pere Lachaise et Jamie!

Well folks, I've been a complete idiot on posting photos. 

Instead of waiting for blogger to post photos, here's that link Facebook gives you to share photos with anyone. 

Here is the link for Notre-Dame:

And here is the link for Pere Lachaise:

Lastly, I have to actually put this photo up:

Jamie & I!!

The back story is, Jamie (who graduated from Salve) was the person that got me interested in studying abroad in Paris with the AIFS program. She went in the spring semester, but she was a big help! She's in France for a month, so luckily we were able to meet up in Paris! She graciously got me lunch, and I happily got us Nutella crepes!! A kind gentleman took our photo outside Notre-Dame, a great way to spend a Sunday. 

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