Seriously, I got 12 mini macarons from Ladurée and now there are only 5. I'm still trying to figure out what happened.
Any who, a quick recap of what's been happening the past 2 days and what is to come!
Yesterday was "Relive CCFS Day!" (Acronym for Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne, the school I studied with). I started off visiting my program headquarters and had the best visit with Jane & Danica who work with AIFS. They were so kind and enthusiastic about my return. It was surreal walking up to the office and using the computer; only a year and a half ago I was studying here in Paris. I graduate in almost two months; time certainly does fly!
I ventured to where I had my classes, the bakery I'd go to before class, and I even stumbled (legit, stumbled) upon Mass at Saint Étienne du Mont, which was both lovely and the church was cool too. I walked to the jardin du Luxembourg and sun bathed. Honestly, I sun bathed, it was heaven!!
But on a more serious note, I took the time to see the residences of Irene Nemirvosky, Helene Berr and the memorial to the martyrs of the Vel d'Hiv Roundup. Surprisingly I did not cry, but I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness. I mentioned these two women in my thesis, the Roundup itself the main part. Just an overhwleming sense of sadness.
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