Thursday, August 26, 2010

14 jours

Salut mes amis!

Aujourd’hui, j’ai deux semaines jusqu’a Paris. Je suis tres excite, mais j’ai quelque chose que je veux partager.

"Les voyages forment la jeunesse." 

Je pense que cet phrase est l'attitude de mon semestre a l’etranger. Pour moi, je veux vraiment voyage. Je veux explorer les maisons, les eglises, la cuisine. J’espere que j’aurai la joie de vivre les Français ont.

Pas mal pour un american, non?

Well, I'm starting to gather the necessary travel items. Just a few more things and then the packing can commence. In the meantime, it's back to relaxing and listening to some French conversation tapes. I've really missed the practice at school; if only Dr. Lawber could come with me!

And a pardon for the lack of accents; I'm too lazy at the moment. C'est la vie. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Peu à peu!

Bon soir toute le monde,

Well, little by little things are starting to fall into place. I got my visa on Thursday which turned out to be a wonderful day: It was spent with friends from high school and a little R&R at the Gardner Museum.

Now I wait for my plan tickets to arrive, buy some last minutes items & Euros, listen to some French audio tapes, finish my French practice book.

Oh right, and that whole function known as packing. My brother has already told me he'll be supervising the whole process so I don't overpack. That's what little brothers are for!

Back to Rick Steve's Paris guide. Au revoir!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Le début

Salut mes amis! Ça va bien? C'est ma première entrée!

So, my hope is that with this blog I'll be able to share with you my Paris adventure as much as possible. And hopefully, more entries will have more French. 

Well, it's officially less than a month until Paris. I get my visa this Thursday, my new camera is on it's way, and I need to really start thinking of packing. And saving up my paychecks. Paris n'est pas bon marché!

But for now, I can only wait in anticipation. I'm absolutely thrilled for this; this trip is like a pilgrimage. I may or may not have tears in my eyes when I see Versailles, Marie Antoinette's tomb & Notre Dame. Oh hell, I'll be crying like a tween watching Twilight.